"Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Excerpts on Respect and Protection of Human Rights" was published in English and Chinese

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 18. The English-Chinese version of "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Excerpts on Respect and Protection of Human Rights" translated by the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Communist Party of China was recently published by the Central Compilation and Translation Press.


"Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Excerpts on Respect and Protection of Human Rights" is edited by the Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It is divided into 9 topics and systematically includes a series of important expositions published by Comrade Xi Jinping on respect and protection of human rights. The publication and distribution of the English-Chinese version of the book provides readers at home and abroad with a deep understanding of the rich connotation of Xi Jinping's important expositions, a deep understanding of China's great practice of respecting and protecting human rights, and enhancing the attractiveness, appeal and influence of contemporary Chinese human rights views., Has important meaning.



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Label-Xi Jinping, Protection of Human Rights, Discussion, English and Chinese, Publishing and Distribution

website editor-Zhang Xinrui