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"The Truth of Life"

Author: Mr. Hui Jian, Yan Jiayuan



book is a modern interpretation of traditional Ganzhi philosophy and culture. It brings together the author's deep understanding of Ganzhi philosophy and incorporates elements of modern life. It can guide readers in real life. Carry forward traditional culture and spread positive energy. When thinking about heaven and thinking about hell, when thinking changes, behavior changes, fortune will also change. How to extract good strengths and positive thoughts from numerology, and how to gather 1.1 points over time through all aspects of life, so as to make the fortune of numerology substantially better. There are precursors of details to be found for the better and worse fortune, which are hidden in various mentality, emotions and behaviors in daily life. Timely and attentively detect changes in mentality and emotions, and timely correct behaviors, which is to be able to seek good luck and avoid evil, and to develop one's life fortune for the better. It is also the original intention of the publication of this book for readers.