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"New Contradiction Theory"

Author: Yao Wenhua



book is an academic monograph with materialist dialectics as its content. The first part is "Analyzing Contradictions (Understanding the World)" and the second part is "Resolving Contradictions (Transforming the World).

In the previous article, the internal contradictions of the research system were discussed.expounds the laws of the development of antagonistic contradictions and non-antagonistic contradictions in the simple process, and systematically discusses the theories of two different contradictions. The mathematical model is constructed for the whole process of contradiction development in the simple process, and the transition from qualitative analysis of contradiction to quantitative analysis of contradiction is explored.

For complex processes, the book puts forward two new concepts of "child-mother contradiction" and "steady-state self-balancing system", and expounds their respective development laws, which provides a basic module for analyzing the contradictory movement of complex processes. The book points out that the reformed classical philosophy "Yin Yang and Five Elements Theory" is suitable for analyzing the steady-state self-balancing system, and the "Golden Mean" is suitable for finding the best solution in the process of analyzing and resolving contradictions.

, the external contradictions of the research system are discussed.external contradictions are the transformation conditions required for the transformation of contradictions. To transform the potential possibilities in the system into reality, a series of transformation conditions are required. The orderly combination of these transformation conditions is the basic philosophical category of materialist dialectics. "Form" in "and form". The attributes of transformation conditions are discussed in detail, which points out the direction for regulating "form" to promote the development of contradictions.

book, the characteristics of the two stages of the dialectical unity of "understanding the world" and "transforming the world" are expounded, and the whole book is summarized.