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"Popular Science and Beauty"

human beings live in nature, all surrounded by flowers, trees, soil, water and gas. The survival and extension of life in nature coexist and coexist, integrating all things in the universe. The laws of scientific operation and the expression of life emotions are in the same line with thousands of years of Chinese culture and are connected with practice. Sing for the wisdom of natural flowers, plants and trees, asking for the environment of soil, water and gas, understanding science and looking for wisdom, looking for cultural life, changing perspectives, or looking at paintings or scenery, reading popular science short essays and short verses!

attention to the voice of nature, the enlightenment of civilization and the extension of culture! Express the science, stories and feelings of getting along with nature: or the expression of beautiful words, or scientific exploration, or the thought of the coexistence of the fate of the world and nature, or the transfer of scientific knowledge of nature and ecological environment, and the opening of education Spirit. Infinite, scientific spirit, true expression.

the popular science and beautiful articles created in the book, focusing on environmental protection, ecological civilization construction, understanding of nature, new discoveries of scientific frontier new knowledge, imaging of the motherland, etc., popularizing scientific knowledge of plant science and environmental protection, and popularizing natural science knowledge Extending into the wisdom of Chinese culture, combining scientific language with literary language in creation, integrating science, culture and art, in terms of expression, A variety of original art forms such as painting and photography are integrated into science communication, so that science and culture can be effectively connected and blended.

more than 100 original popular science time themes, related to science, connected with life and survival, intersecting with culture, and blending with the lifeblood of the motherland. Absorb the warmth of nature and the nutrition of science, perceive the nourishment of Chinese culture, walk with natural ecological culture, and grow with the lifeline of the motherland.

The content of this book is divided into five articles, "Image Motherland" has a warm record; "Natural Pattern" has the lifeline of science; "Natural Growth" has the wisdom of life; "Natural Expression" is full of Gankun courtesy and love; "Natural Life" touches life; "Change" is eternal, what remains unchanged is the connotation of Chinese culture!