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"Walker Rusi"

Author: Huang Guoyue



this is a book about observing and thinking about life. the author claims to be a "walker" who loves life and travels ". Also because of love and occupation, the author has traveled to more than 20 countries. The country has also traveled to all provinces and regions, to prosperous big cities, and to many remote towns and mountain villages.

author not only opened his eyes to appreciate the beautiful scenery along the way, but also was good at penetrating the mask of the world, observing and thinking from some dimensions different from ordinary tourists. In the process of traveling around the world, he is both an experienced and a "bystander", striving to maintain an independent and objective view of the world and society. There are pungent criticisms, philosophical thinking, and there is no lack of relaxed and humorous kind ridicule. The text of this collection of essays is capable, the articles are lean and short, and there are many classic photos taken by authors around the world and in China as illustrations, which make people feel relaxed and happy when reading.

just as we cannot replace other people's thinking, the author's feelings and understandings only represent "this one", which will inevitably have certain limitations. However, the passion and opinions expressed in this collection of essays may bring some enlightenment and resonance to readers.